

This app was designed as a school project.

We were tasked to use MIT’s App Inventor to create an app that met specific criteria for the project.

I thoroughly enjoyed making this app, and MIT’s App Inventor allowed me to build the file as a bundle that could be uploaded on the Google PlayStore. I was happy to pay the $25 for the developer account, and I did just that. I put my dinky game on the PlayStore.

It isn’t much, but wild to say, “I have an app on the PlayStore,” for any beginner.

As I would graduate and eventually begin work in my field, I would often ponder what might I be able to do with real development software, and no project deadline?

Those questions culminated in PewPewPew 2, which you can find out about HERE.

This app will remain on the PlayStore for as long as Google allows it, which I’m sure will not be much longer, since the target API is pretty outdated by this point, and there’s no real reason for me to keep it alive.

You can find the PewPewPew Privacy Policy via the menu, or by clicking HERE.